Tổng hợp những câu hỏi thường gặp của Kinergie Studio. Vui lòng tham khảo kỹ để có thể có câu trả lời nhanh nhất trước khi liên hệ với chúng tôi.
A collection of our frequently-asked questions. Please consult this section throughly before contacting us with a possible similar question.

Chung/ General

Phân loại các lớp theo trình độ của Kinergie/
About different class levels at Kinergie

Về lớp Ballet/ About Ballet Classes

Q: I’m quite aged/ lack flexibility/ overweight – can I practice ballet?

A: Ballet is a dance for everyone. Lots of people, in different age groups and various body shapes are practicing ballet everyday around the world. Therefore, if you want to get started, regardless of your age, weight, gender… then at Kinergie, you are always welcome!

* In case you have special health concerns, please come to meet and ask our teachers for specific advices and tailored support during class.

Q: Does practicing Ballet improve my body?

A: In all of Ballet movements, students are required to keep their back straight, reach upward, open their shoulders and maintain even hips… This practice, if done properly and frequently, will help us reap great benefits in the way we stand, sit, walk – in everyday life.

Furthermore, practicing ballet will strengthen your body and refresh your physical as well as emotional health.

Q: Details about the Ballet track at Kinergie?

A: Ballet classes in Kinergie Studio are classical ones. Firstly, learners will go through lessons that train the essential muscle groups that will be needed for Ballet. Secondly, there will be lessons about hand-arm positions, leg positions, as well as a set of basic Ballet moves.
After a training period, when students achieve a level of strength and flexibility for the muscle groups and joints, they will be directed for more complex moves, exercises, as well as combinations in center.

Q: What do I need to prepare for a Ballet class?

A: Ballet classes at Kinergie Studio usually start in late afternoon, so consider a meal after practicing. It is also recommended that you have a light snack at least 45 minutes before class starts.

For the attires, we have a list of items that you would need here. You can get them from some ballet stores in Hanoi (Bon Dancewear, Trang phục múa Tuệ Lan) or from e-commerce sites.

* In case you are not able to fully prepare the clothing, make sure to bring a pair of ballet shoes and wear body-hugging clothes for better posture correction from the teachers.

Về lớp Đương đại/ About Contemporary Classes

Về Thuê phòng/ About Rentals

Về Sự kiện/ About Events